Looking Back At Kuerners
Looking Back at kuerner's. This includes all of the windows, doors, wires and so forth. Other paintings in this series omit elements for the sake of composition. When I was first allowed access to kuerner's, I was in a hurry to put things down quickly in case someone showed up to kick me out. It is part of the Brandywine museum and I wasn't sure if they'd object. I also wanted to have something to show the Kuerners right away. This is one of the first five I put down. As time went on, I settled in and took more time on each piece. I think the frantic speed at which i was working on the first pieces shows in the work. It is a quality I really like in paintings that can't be faked. You are either in a real hurry or you are not.— Eddie Flotte
Approximately 10 x 11.5 inches
Open Edition Print
$55.00 plus shipping
Some images available upon request
as Giclee prints.
Sizes and prices vary.