Ambler Inn
I only ever went inside this old bar a very few memorable times. It was there in Ambler as long as I can remember. a few years after I did this painting, the row of buildings were remodled into a nice coffee shop, a fancy tavern and a fine restaurant. This is one of the first paintings I did when I was finally able to get back to Ambler for a long visit. I moved very quicly on this and I like the freshness. I was sitting on a bench at the Ambler train station while I worked. The train station was busy with commuters and such. I always like getting the attention when people watch me work and I enjoy listening on people's conversations. They seem to forget I am there after a while.
Approximately 10.5 x 16 inches
Open Edition Print
$55.00 plus shipping
Some images available upon request
as Giclee prints.
Sizes and prices vary.